Friday, April 16, 2010

Freedom of Religion? Where?

Well, they've finally done it. Federal judge Barbara Crabb has ruled that the National Day of Prayer is unconstitutional. Where is she from, Mars? Obviously her knowledge of America's foundations is not only lacking but down right wrong.

As much as our President and his cronies have tried to delete Christianity from America, the purpose of the Constitution is very clear: freedom OF religion, not freedom "from" religion. Any read of our history that is correct shows a continual thread of Christianity. This current corn flake bowl of liberals is not only attempting to re-write history, but they have little resemblance whatsoever to any previous liberals or "progressives". By the way, when you hear someone say they are "progressive", you can substitute the word "regressive" and run like the wind away from them!

Woodrow Wilson was not the most popular President in our history, and his views were not what we could call "conservative." But in the front flap of a small HCSB (Holman Christian Standard Bible)Bible, there is a copy of a letter written to the American people which says in part: "The Bible is the word of life. I beg that you will read it and find this out for yourselves -- read, not little snatches here and there, but long passages that will really be the road to the heart of it...the more you read the more it will become plain to you what things are worth while and what are not, what things make men happy-- loyalty, right dealing, speaking the truth, readiness to give everything for that they think their duty, and most of all, the wish that they may have the approval of Christ, who gave everything for them..." It is signed by Woodrow Wilson on Presidential stationary.

Contrast these words to an administration which gives nothing for America but apology, and hostility to that very Word which President Wilson described as "life." Keep in mind that the further we get from God in our hearts, the crazier and more nasty people will become. They are already, as the Bible pronounces, those whose "love has grown cold."

Hear this, liberals, and hear this carefully. You may attempt to remove God from everything we do. You may attempt to force us to worship your golden image of man, or a false religion.You will fail. You may legislate the mention of God out of every workplace and government office- but you cannot legislate Him out of US. You cannot stop us from prayer even if you duct tape our mouths shut or kill us. You cannot keep us from the Lord. He's much much bigger than you are, and we know Him well. You can keep fueling the flames hotter, and He will appear in the furnace with us. You can make the lions around us roar louder, and He will let us cuddle up and sleep in peace around them without harm.

You may have the temporary ability to mess with us, but we are not crushed- because when we arise, He will arise with us and it is YOU that will be ashamed!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Stupak, Netanyahu,Threats and Other Dangers

Let me say this first: I have never claimed to be sane. I do claim to have a unique perspective. My past experiences reveal some information you may not be aware of for daily life, so listen up and listen carefully. My past includes a short stint in MENSA (3 years, so in case you want to call me a moron, guess again. Just sayin').

Everything you see with your eyes is not really what exists.The things we touch, see, feel are actually made up of things that we cannot see. Solid objects, for example, are not truly "solid"; they are made up of millions of moving atoms. They ram each other and share electrons with unimaginable speed. Their closely packed movement and shared electrons creates the illusion of solid matter.Look at a periodic table sometime and see that each element is a combination of different atoms that have "combined" in their movements.

Take water, for example. It looks real, it flows, we can touch it and feel it and drink it. But it is really hydrogen gas that has combined with oxygen gas.(H2O)In other words, their molecules have combined and formed something else.
Fire and Lightning are actually particles of energy that became ionized from their movement- stick your hand in that energy stream and you will get burned. Point is, what you see around you is not real- what you can't see is what causes what is visible!

Let me give you a graphic example: I once worked with a German lady who had been an "interpreter at Auschwitz" during WWII. At first we had great conversations and worked together well. One morning during one of those conversations, something I mentioned suddenly caused a black spirit to cover her face. It was visible, dark, and completely engulfed her body from the head down. From that moment on, hatred ran her. Whether I mentioned something about God's chosen people or Christians doesn't matter- a demonic force took control of her. For the next few months she went wild.She started drinking alcohol in the bathroom. She started tearing up criminal records and pitching them in the garbage. She tried to get me fired with lies. She told different lies to each employee. One day she went totally crazy and left work- she was found several hundred miles away in Canada, wandering the streets in a mental fog! We did not realize that her life as a Nazi interpreter had allowed her to live with a demon of hatred all those years. And it destroyed her.

So let's talk about what is happening in our government, our country right now. The vicious anger and hatred that is manifesting in the political arena is not just caused by out-of-control people. It is a manifestation of demonic forces unleashed in America. Example: Bart Stupak played into the hands of a judas spirit- or a spirit of betrayal. And, like Judas in real life, he has now stated he will not run for re-election. In short, he has seen his sin of "taking silver" for lives and is getting out of the arena. He is lost, in effect, from the job.

Another example: the threats against both Dems and Reps. We look at that and think it's all stupid people. Well, they may be stupid (I.Q.= -33). But they have allowed themselves to be run by demonic forces- in short, the spirits of hatred and murder. BOTH sides are falling into the trap. Satan's house is NOT divided, no matter what label is on it.Nancy Pelosi frequently falls into the trap by calling the conservatives names and treating Tea Party activists as evil. As Jesus once said, you are all children of your father, the Devil.

Our President and his Secretary of State recently treated the Prime Minister of Israel like trash. He was snubbed, yelled at, and basically run over by the Obama freight train. Big problem with that is that it comes from a Haman Spirit- or an anti-semitic demonic force that has been around since the beginning. It's a demon, plain and simple.

Mr. Netanyahu is a strong man of principle, and pushing him is a mistake. Israel is supposed to be an ally - we have been the ONLY two nations who together have been a formidable force of strength against tyranny in the Middle East. All of the others who call themselves our "allies" are compromised due to the Muslim influence. In the spiritual realm, God loves the Israeli people, they are His original chosen ones. Be nasty to them, you step into a realm of real danger. Our own President has acted directly against the Living God -- think about it, not a smart move.

Let me put it as plainly as possible: if the people of America do not STOP right now and turn around their attitudes and actions, we are going to collapse as a nation. If our leaders don't repent, Pandora's box will remain open and the tribulations will grow even worse. The only hope we have is a move of the Holy Spirit upon us to create a place of repentance and reversal of the animosity. Hit your knees, America,and stop allowing the rulers of darkness access to your hearts! The things you cannot see are attempting to destroy us.