Sunday, August 18, 2013

Division- a recipe for failure

Conservatives are deeply divided at this juncture on almost every level. One refuses to vote for whoever, another refuses to vote period, the whole arena is filled with blame and accusations. Everybody is refusing blah blah blah... the whole thing sickens me. We are handing our country over to the enemy on a blood-stained platter.

Groups within America don't fight the enemy, they fight each other. I have been accused of some crazy things by Christians lately. So let me state this in terms everyone can understand:

The enemy we need to fight FIRST is the demonic. Satan's tactics have not changed: he strikes the shepherd and the sheep scatter. How does he do that? 1) By lies. He whispers in people's ears and they listen to him. Witness Chris Christie claiming that the more serious right wing people are "dangerous." It's the division, the name-calling, that is "dangerous."

2)By assumptions. He sets up circumstances so that we can't see the truth through the garbage. Then everyone is at each other's throats without truth in the middle. And by then pride sets in and nobody wants to back down. We MUST learn to know when it's time to heal the rifts or break from them. Just remember- breaking from those may create an election that cannot be won. People will become tired of the fracas and just stay home.

3)By sickness. He loves to set the saints up for illness- he'll wreck your blood pressure, make your head bleed, use anything you're doing against you, and especially if you have an attitude problem--he'll wreak havoc with that one. If you have something against someone else, dump it before the throne fast, or you could be struck with cancer or something else. Bitterness WILL kill you, guaranteed.

The battle is raging for the hearts and minds of America. If we play ball with the demonic forces we will lose. We must stop the bickering, the hate-filled rhetoric, the prideful attitudes that stand in the way of victory. The enemy cannot win this battle IF we follow the principles of the Lord. But that requires us to take the high road, not fall into the trap. The picture posted on this website is from a Facebook post, so I have no clue who took it. But it does reflect the battle we face between the promises of God and the enemy's darkness. Stop the fights. Let's save America.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Weak Kings

Let's discuss Joan of Arc. Her high intelligence and prowess led to her becoming the first and only woman to ever be the Supreme Commander of the armies of a nation at the young age of seventeen. She fought long and hard against their enemies and was fiercely loyal to a weak king. She gave him her all. Never once deciding that Dauphin was unfit for the office of king, she fought on with courage and strength. She fought heavily behind enemy lines. But in the end, she was captured. It was ultimately the king's failure to ransom her from the enemy that caused her to be burned at the stake. She was a courageous young woman with gifts beyond her years. Her life was cut short while fighting for her nation, a nation that was run by a fool who didn't care about much of anyone but himself.

America was born in rebellion. Our first leaders had foresight and wisdom, based upon Judeo-Christian values and thoughts. They cared about their armies, and their people. They were decidedly NOT weak. They knew the stakes, they fought the fight. And they won.

Over the centuries, American leaders have run the gamut between strong and powerful, and weak. But at no time have we had a leadership as weak as the one we have today. They rule by subterfuge, intimidation, and deception. Their minions follow them blindly without forethought. If you think they are strong, you are mistaken, because evil is foolish. They not only make scandals, they are personally so wrapped up in themselves that they could care less about the people. They do not serve us, they serve themselves. When leadership does that, people die.

We can chose to blindly follow these leaders, or we can stand up and and say NO. We can chose to let America be destroyed by their actions, or we can ask for Divine Guidance and believe that we can prevail. I have seen many people on some of the social networks either stick their heads in the sand and pretend all is well, or they sound like they will give up. Personally, I will not give up. This is MY country.Is it yours? Will you jump of the cliff for these leaders who do not care about you? Or will you say no way?

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Under the Surface

The link today goes to what I'd call a bizarre story of nanny government. They've created a "nudge squad" to try and get people to change their behaviors to the model of the government. While some of it sounds oh so logical (saving money, automatically signing people up for weight loss clinics, etc)there is an insidious tone to it that leaves me feeling creeped out.

It would be nice if this administration would stop trying to alter the citizens (a nasty form of brainwashing) and just stay out of our lives. Big government is far more obese than anyone in America. It's big sloppy reach is so wide by now that we can't do anything without Big Brother snooping around in our lives. So now they want to "nudge" the departments into acting and accomplishing personal things the way "They" want them to. Say, for example, the "nudge squad" demands that you save money according to their guidelines. Suppose you can't pay your mortgage if you have to take that much out. So they're what, going to fire you for not saving? This concept is straight from the pit.

The "squad" says they can "opt out." Yep. I'll bet they can. Opt out of the job and on out the door. The problem with "nudges," as one blogger put it this morning, is that it can quickly become a shove.Especially with a government that operates in evil. They are literally trying to create an army of totally compliant people. And that doesn't work for me.

Freedom is about just that: freedom and personal responsibility. An "offer" is better than a "nudge." This administration's continual interference in our lives has reached epidemic proportions. And the problem is that anger is reaching a boiling point in America. And all of it is caused by the head dude of control freaks, satan himself.

If we could see the demonic realm around us, we would see that there is a plan in place. Satan can't allow freedom, because he is a control freak. He has to have slaves rather than followers. God has friends. Friends who choose to follow Him in love and faith. Satan can't do that, so he attempts to control us on every level. He tries to control us by fomenting anger, by demanding that we comply with the administration's "nudges," and by sacrificing the freedoms that our forefathers fought for. Will you be "nudged?"