Friday, February 24, 2012

Good Grief Gertrude

I've decided to weigh in on the last Republican debate. As a dear friend put it today, "It's nothing that a baseball bat couldn't cure." Yeouw is he right.

Our candidates need to stop campaigning against President Bush and each other, and start coming up with solutions to Barack Obama. Unless they stop being idiots, none of them will win and the Republican Convention will be a dismal failure. Let me put it in the vernacular of C.S. Lewis and "The Screwtape Letters."

FoolishFart: I think I've got Ron looking as stupid as possible, you want me to move to someone else now?
Boss: No, just stay there. I want him down for the count.
FreakyFred: What about me? I've got Newt, well, sounding like a newt. I just whisper some silly things in his ear and he romps off after bunnies. I've even gotten him to cry on occasion. Such fun.
Boss: Great job, Fred, keep up the good work.
MeanyGrinch: Oh, but my candidate Mitt is doing great. I've got the media all ready to shove him down the human throats. He's so stiff and has a mean streak. I love that about him. Some stupid humans have been trying to derail that, but I think it's handled.
Boss: Get your A game on, Grinch. There are some folks out there who want your buddy to lose. Better get smart.
Nosuchthingasevil: Yeah, I finally got Rick to admit that evil exists- that'll sink his fast tracked ship. Nobody believes in us. Ain't that a bitch? ha ha ha ha ha ha...
Boss: Yeah, that's funny. snort, spit, hiccup, ha ha ha ha ha

Friday, February 17, 2012

What is a President?

As I perused the news today I made note of all the headlines and blogger comments on everything from Mitt Romney's dog incident to Barack Obama's comments on being President at a Hollywood Fund raiser. Being President is not "prose," it is being strong and compassionate at the same time. I've come up with a short list of qualities our American President should embody- I invite you to add to the list.

1.Above all things, a President must be quick to defend against the enemies of democracy.He (or she) must have a foreign policy that stands ready to swiftly protect the American people and their interests from harm. This President is fond of claiming diplomacy in favor of our enemies, and rudeness to our allies.

2. A President must understand the history of America- its heroes, its Bill of Rights, its Constitutional heritage. This President has no regard whatsoever for our founding documents, our ability to win armed conflict, or the inner values of the average American. This President has attempted to re-write our history to delete the people of the past who served this nation with distinction and honor. He has done that by claiming that we are not really a Christian nation, and trying to manipulate school children into politically correct (incorrect) verbiage.

3. A President must love America, and stand firmly at her side come hell or high water. This President has never done so in any foreign situation. He has apologized, criticized, and ostracized Americans continually. He has created the largest deficit in American history and continues to pull out the very foundations of our economy in the name of "taxing the rich" and "redistributing wealth to the poor." American businesses could go the way of the dinosaur if we do not find a way to bring health and fresh jobs to their aid. To love America is to deeply care about her people and her future.

4. Finally, a President should be compassionate. Whatever mistakes President Bush made (and he made many), everyone knew that he cared about his troops and the people of America. The current President never shows any emotion whatsoever. A man who cannot show emotion over the plights of others is not the kind of President that is good for America.

Be aware of these qualities as you vote in this upcoming election. If you choose a man with emotionless qualities over compassion, we will again find ourselves with a man like the one we have. I do not care to live in a socialist/Marxist society. I pray that we will choose a man of integrity and honor, with love for his country. Let's not exchange one problem for a similar one.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Pilots and the Obama budget

So word is out today that within the Obama budget (or lack thereof) is a severe cut in the Federal Flight Deck Officers program- also known as the Armed Pilots program.

Having our flight deck officers armed and trained is essential during a time of terrorism. I flew back to Idaho the day before 9-11-01 and was appalled to see that the cockpit door was open on my flight, with no security whatsoever.That has not happened on any subsequent flights, now with armed officers, at least I feel secure enough to duck if necessary.

This administration is bizarre in its function. First out of the box they tried to cut off the supply of brass for reloading shells. They have often tried to sneak in gun control legislation in the fine print of completely unrelated bills. Now they want to cut the pilot's program so deeply that, according to other bloggers, it would essentially destroy the program. They simply hate guns. They hate the people of America having access to any guns. They want us disarmed.

And yet the "Fast and Furious" scandal showed that they were more than happy to give guns to the Mexican cartels. What's the deal? It's ok to arm criminals, but not ok to have citizens armed for protection? Something needs to give here. This hypocritical stance on guns needs to be stopped in its tracks.
The right to keep and bear arms is being whittled away. The pilot's right to protect themselves is at stake. Let's not let them win!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Freedom's Demise

Do you think that freedoms of Americans are being eroded? They're not. They're being sunk like the Titanic after hitting a big iceberg. And that iceberg is the current administration. There's not even time to jump ship and swim to safety- we need to act THIS YEAR if we are going to stop the sinking. We're listing seriously to the left.

Were you aware that millions of American citizens must now apply to the DHS in order to work? This excerpt was posted on an Ironworkers Union website: "TWIC is short for Transportation Worker Identification Credential and SWAC stands for Secure Worker Access Consortium.
TWIC “is a biometric credential that ensures only vetted workers are eligible to enter a secure construction site, unescorted,” Ironworkers Local 361 in Ozone Park, New York, explains. “Before issuing a TWIC, TSA must conduct a security threat assessment on the TWIC applicant. An applicant who, as a result of the assessment, is determined to not pose a security threat, will be issued a TWIC card.”
In other words, construction workers in New York will need permission from the TSA and DHS in order to practice their profession and earn a living."

Who knew that the government would over-reach their authority and punish American citizens just as Stalin or the nazis have done in the past? The government has now decided that THEY have the right to pick and choose who is a danger...and it could be US~

That's just one issue. Then there's the comment by Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg that the "Constitution is no longer relevant." Add that to all the non-senate-approved "Czars" and other assorted times when our Prez has by-passed Congress, and you get a picture of a giant-sized sinking ship.(He did it again today, just in case you were wondering. He by-passed Congress on the "No Child Left behind" law and relaxed the restrictions for 10 states. Big states with lots of liberal voters, by any chance??)

The ability to judge things wisely is a gift that only comes from God.The real One. How do we deal with the threat from radical Islam, or domestic problems? Forfeiting our freedoms is not the answer. And when men or women who lack wisdom make the laws of our land, we're headed for the rocks, the iceberg, and the sandbar. This ship is about to have a colossal disaster. Run for the lifeboat!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Prayer and the President

I read the above blog this morning and was grieved that any President of our nation could be so deceived and foolish. The Bible says that God honors His Word ABOVE His Name- and His Name is above every other Name, so messing with His Word can bring some horrifying consequences. If anyone adds to His Word or takes away from it, that person is essentially cursed- and removed from God's Book of Life. (Rev 22:18-19)

We are called to pray for our President and all leaders in America. We are called to bless them and not curse them. That's one reason why. They can actually curse themselves during the course of their terms. The President used the "Prayer Breakfast" to justify his actions and attempt to twist the facts. He apparently doesn't realize the danger of sticking his middle finger in the air at God.

Maybe God will have mercy on him, but only if we pray in the heart of God.I submit to all of us that most Christians are so angry with Mr. Obama that they will not pray anything but curses and anger.We must rise past that and do it according to His Word.

And please, Mr. Obama, stop pretending that your cultural god is the real one, and bend your knees to pray to the right One. You need relationship to the REAL Jesus, and a re-think of your actions.