Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Horizon

The horizon for America appears bleak. The dark clouds of corruption, incompetance, division and hatred seem to shroud our nation. Our light grows ever dimmer with the loss of common sense and wisdom. Where once Statesman could speak wisely with foresight for all, now politicians speak foolishly with angst toward each other and our citizens. We wonder if the madness can be stopped. Like an out of control ship with no Captain, this ship of state shifts wildly toward the rocks. With no Lighthouse to guide her, the only result can be collision. The Republican party picks its own "good ol' boy" rank and file. They want only those who will move at their command rather than the fresh blood of those who see into the future. They seem to not see the same "handwriting on the wall" that spelled the destruction of King Belshazzar in the book of Daniel. The Democrats are so far gone into the liberal camp that they have become blinded. Judgment has already come to America in the consequences of dropping God from our schools, from our society, from everyday life. We murder the innocent daily in the abortion of children simply because our society has become inherently selfish. We call good evil and evil good. We think that disarming the people is the way to safety, when it is the very pathway to doom. Tyranny will stop at nothing to control its populace. Foreign influences chip away at the sovereignty of the United States. We listen to and believe lies rather than stand up for truth and freedom. Yes, the horizon for America is threatened. Can the Light return to our nation? You decide. Where will you stand?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

No End in Sight

The entire US has gone wonky over the scandals breaking through the government. Even Conservatives are acting stupid.I guess you can call them conservatives, because I'm not convinced. Mitch McConnell has spent a lot of time telling us to calm down because the NSA program to scarf up meta data from sources is "legal." If I could look him in the eye, I'd say, "b.s., Mitch, whether it is or it's not, it's still a huge invasion of privacy. Let them look at YOUR meta data and see what it tells us." Oh, wait, I'm pretty sure they've already done that. Which is why he's talking, talking, talking, trying to dig himself out of some surveillance hole.

Meta Data is computer-speak for content information. Where was the information created (location of the computer), the purpose of the information, how was it created, who created it, and when. Personally I have no problem with targeting such data with probable cause behind it. I have a screaming LOUD objection to blanket dragnets for that information. Especially when the government is so deeply hostile to Christianity and Conservatives. They appear to be more interested in labeling us as dangerous while ignoring the danger from Islamic extremists. The mining of information from Tea-Party activists, conservatives, churches, etc instead of looking at the radical muslims among us is just plain stupid. It's no different than the FBI targeting Martin Luther King's activities in the 60's. Misplaced intentions are deadly. I have noted this morning that the ACLU has filed a lawsuit against the NSA- I say good for them. Sic 'em.

The concept of "Probable Cause" was written by our founding fathers because they knew that in the hands of a rogue government, people would begin to target political or religious opponents. They experienced it in England prior to coming to the United States. Without that check in place, a tyrannical government goes too far. It operates in total power and control rather than justice and liberty. Oh, and speaking of, I see this morning from a Conservative website that some producer is accusing Mr O of threatening Chelsea Clinton to make Bill Clinton back down from something he said. Doesn't surprise me. People who love their power can make all sorts of bad things happen in an attempt to keep that power. Even the left is not united, contrary to public views, as their "unity" is based on some self-serving agenda.

There appears to be no end in sight of the scandals, the out of control government garbage that keeps us all up at night. We only have one hope. His Name is above every other name, including Mr.O. Peace, safety, rest, and hope are found in Him. His Name is Jesus.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Privacy and Piracy

If you thought that the Somali pirates were the only pirates out there, you'd be wrong. Our government now takes YOUR private phone records from Verizon. (I doubt that's the only network involved, but that's just suspicious me). It is an indiscriminate power grab that affects the lives of every American. With your phone records they know where you are/were at any given moment. They know who you spoke to. They can track texts, looking for dirt in all the wrong places. This is what happens when the wrong people are in power. They look for ways to destroy those who oppose them. And they don't care how they do it! In the hands of good men, the Patriot Act would have been a tool to stop the terrorists. In the hands of evil, it becomes a danger to all Americans. Everyone should have seen it coming, but no one believed that our leadership would go that bad. Or that it could happen as quickly as it did. This isn't about scandal, this is about your right to privacy and safety. The "big brother" has already broken into the house! Lord, help us!

Monday, June 3, 2013


So. Tom Brokaw thinks Abu Ghraib is worse than these lates crop of scandals, does he? He is so wrong it makes my hair frizz. The scandals of Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS, etc affect the entire nation. They strike at the very fabric of America. It's not just our freedom being attacked, it's the people themselves. Targeting political rivals is a tactic of dictators. Attempts to disarm the populace is a tactic of dictators. Calling kind-hearted, responsible people evil and dangerous is a tactic of dictators. And though I have always admired Tom Brokaw, he is spreading propoganda. Maybe we should call the media our "Tokyo Rose journalists."

Did you know that Nero was so afraid of Christians that he took one of their own beliefs- the communion- and turned it against them in the public view? He spread the lie that because Christians "drank blood and ate flesh" they should die. Thousands of Christian died horrific deaths because of that lie spread by a maniac.

America absolutely must wake up. The doomsdayers forget that God has a role in our lives, so they aren't entirely correct in their prophecies of destruction, but they are correct in that as a people we MUST stand firm against the foolishness around us. Overwhelming debt, out of control government, all of these things work together to destroy our way of life. It's not about being conservative or liberal, it's about losing the very foundation of all that we have known as Americans. Debt kills. Lies kill. Demand that the government stop the madness.