Saturday, December 25, 2010

Fresh Starts

Bombs exploding in Nigeria, explosions in the Philippines, what a start to Christmas Day. Sometimes I wonder why people have to be so filled with hate that they can't take a day off from destruction. In some previous wars, Christmas was honored by both sides. Not so in modern times. The spirit of murder is so entrenched that people want to kill even at the Celebration of the Most Important Person in history. But then, that's the key right there- they don't know Jesus or even have an inkling about Him.

My heart for everyone this coming year is that there will be a fresh start. That enough of these hate-filled, murderous people will be touched so deeply by Jesus that they melt into a heap and get a heart change. You don't think so? It happened to Paul. That would be Saint Paul- who started off as Saul the murderer of Christians.

God has a way of revealing the truth. He often does it at the expense of our own mindsets. Having a golden Light flush out all the crap in our hearts and minds is quite an experience. I hope one day I will wake up, sign in to my news feeds, and see good news all across the earth. It will probably have to wait until either I go Home or Jesus returns, but I live in expectation. I pray that all of you will live in that expectation as well. A fresh start for the entire world. Wouldn't that be grand!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas Debacle

Remember back when I mentioned that we'd be watching and Congress had better remember the message of November's elections? We'll we're watching, they're not remembering.These last few days of a lame duck session are a debacle.
The word debacle means disaster. And it perfectly describes the current attitudes of a large portion of the Congress. It will be good to see a lot of them hit the road in January.

In all my years I have never seen such disrespect for the American voters. I see power hungry politicians bent on shoving bills through that are detrimental to the future of our nation. Don't give me the "it's just a difference of opinion" speech, either. It is simple math: if you spend beyond your means, you will go broke. I know from personal experience that debt destroys. And the deeper the debt, the deeper the destruction. And yet this Congress has been determined to pull the foundations of America out from under us.I'm beginning to think it's a deliberate attempt to wreck the ship of state.

The spending omnibus bill has been pulled short term, according to Senator Reid this morning (Dec 17). So, what, you want to add more stuff? Figure out how to add a few more pages to the 1,999 already in it? Trying to even out the 8.3 billion in pork? I have an answer. Get the shredder, hire a secretary, and shred the whole kit and kaboodle. Start over and keep it to a couple of hundred pages. Leave out the special interests, just handle the important matters like funding the government. Leave the special stuff for individual bills that everyone can see clearly. Quit hiding everyone's pet projects inside important pages. That would help Americans begin to heal from their runaway freight train government.

The biggest Christmas present America needs from it's government is a huge backing off. Stick to the basics. Stay out of the deception game. Fix this Christmas debacle. Stop hiding, start being honest. That would be a huge Merry Christmas to all of us!