Thursday, September 13, 2012

Phone Calls, Promises, and Real Relationships

Now that I'm calmer today, I can back the truck up and maybe make some real sense. Maybe. And so far I haven't seen any black SUVs in my front yard from my last rant. That's a good thing. So let's think about a couple of things with a quieter (slightly) voice for a minute: 1.Israel is backed into a corner, surrounded by Hezbollah, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Iran (a class all by themselves). The U.S. has always been a faithful ally. Our promises and reassurances have always held a lot of weight for the leaders of Israel. Their current Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is a good man who understands the dangers surrounding his nation. Inevitably being surrounded by a bunch of threatening,shrieking voices will cause action on someone's part...whether the loud mouths or the people who are surrounded. The pot will boil over, it's only a question of when and by whom. 2.I have several friends who love the Arab people. I love the Arab people. They are beautiful, smart, and an integral part of the human race. What I do not love are the temper tantrums that cause death and destruction. While in modern Christianity you find the odd man out wacko that bombs abortion clinics or a group of loon birds that picket funerals and spout hate speech, in general Christians just pray their way through difficulties without pitching a fit or killing others. Not so with our radical Muslim brothers. They seem to delight in throwing hissy fits that are intended to intimidate everyone around them from speaking their minds and hearts. I do not like bullies, how about you? True peace comes from hearts that have flushed away violence and anger. True peace comes in right relationship to Jesus Christ. True peace fills a life that focuses on what is good, true, beautiful, and loving. If our President had true peace, he would be able to stand in strength rather than apology. He would meet face to face with our allies rather than call them on the phone. Phone calls and emails are too easy to manipulate because they can't see your face. Promises made are not stable unless friendship and trust are at their foundation. Trust is earned, not bestowed. I pray that America will once again find that place where we can earn the trust of our allies, and stand firm against our enemies. "When a man's ways please the Lord, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him." Proverbs 16:7

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


In my half century of living, I have never heard a President apologize to the perpetrators of a heinous act. I have never seen a President ignore the anniversary of an attack on US soil.I have never seen a President turn his back on Israel and make up stupid excuses why he did it. This President did all of those things in one day. Anyone who fails to stand up to terrorists will draw their venom. Anyone who fails to love the people chosen by the God of Israel will suffer the consequences. Why? Because there are spiritual principles involved. The only way to kick a demon in the butt is to hit it with the Blood and authority of Jesus Christ. The only way to stop terrorists is to hit them with the power and might of leadership that gives them a bloody nose whenever they move. Strength, whether spiritual or physical is the only thing that moves evil. This President is a demagogue- that means he plays on people's emotions and prejudices. He tries to make Christians and Jews look like idiots, and Muslims look like saints. He hates America, but will use us for his purposes. He plays on the emotions of the citizens by telling them things that are twisted and untrue. To him, we are the colonialists and we should be taken down to the same level as everyone else. EXCEPT him, of course. HE should be in charge. We are evil; he thinks he is the savior of the world. He's wrong. There is only one Savior of the world, and He stands for us against the garbage perpetuated by our leadership. There will be a day of reckoning. I can hope it will be this coming November, but if not, the "shaking" is going to be extreme and hard. America, wake up. Dump this President and dump him immediately. Our future as a nation hangs in the balance.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Welcome to the United Socialist Republic of America

This morning we have awakened to an entirely new universe. It's one that promises disaster to America if we don't confront it and remove it from our vocabulary. What is it? It's the Democratic National Convention platform - you know, the one that told us last night that we all belong to the government. We are all products of the government. We aren't PEOPLE, we're automatons. Just little puppets to move at the government's whim. Add that to the deletion of any reference to God from their platform and we've got BIG trouble. When BO made the statement to a john q. citizen that "you didn't build that" earlier this year, we fluffed it off. Don't fluff it off now, America. He really believes that the government does everything and people are not worthy of notice. When Michelle sang the praises of America being able to do anything last night, she meant that the government can do anything, not the individual people. This president is all about elitism, not about "we the people." The problem with deleting God from everything is that when you remove Him from the equation, you have to replace Him with the government. Like the former Soviet Union, God was gone from their acceptable terminology. The Communist government became the god. What they said was what was allowed. It was still "religion", just an impersonal, cold, unloving form of it. Instead of a personal, loving God who sent His Son for the salvation of mankind, we now have a giant, cumbersome, fat worldly god that moves according to the lust for power, greed, and self-serving agendas. I'll take my loving God, thank you very much. And by the way, to hell with the idea that we are "products of the government." (Hell is where that idea came from, by the way). We are living, breathing, human beings who can make choices,and we choose to be free. Personally, I will not succumb to the humanistic garbage that says we are all accidental farts of nature. (Can you tell I'm hoppin' mad today?) And to help the conspiracy theorists along, why the heck has the Social Security Administration purchased 174,000 rounds of hollow point bullets? What's THAT all about? Because this big ol' fat government is so secretive (so much for the "open" promise they made in 2008), now everyone's imagination has run wild with ideas about that purchase. God gives FREEDOM. God has made us a FREE people. We will not stand idly by while this newest crop of radical liberals tries to tromp on our rights, our liberty, or our pursuit of happiness. We will vote them out of office. and we will do it with a smile on our faces.