Monday, November 19, 2012

Who Gets Who

While many conservative Christians are wringing their hands and wallowing in defeat (the woe-is-me syndrome), there are a couple of very bright sides to the coin. A dear friend reminded me of them as doom and gloom tried to settle over a prayer meeting the other day. She said, "The Republicans still have control of the House." And I mentioned that we had 30 gubernatorial seats. While it means that gridlock is the way of the political scene right now, it also means that there is still some sort of balance in spite of the left-wing coup. There is still hope for America. They can try to remove God from all areas of America life, but HE is alive, real, and cannot be removed from anyplace. They can run but they can't hide. Everyone loves to see apocalypse on the horizon. The left hopes for Conservative doom, and the right prays for the judgment of Liberals. As Mark Twain once said, "All Democrats are insane, but not one of them knows it. None but the Republicans. All the Republicans are insane, but only the Democrats can perceive it. The rule is perfect: in all matters of opinion our adversaries are insane." It's much like little children who face each other and yell "You're gonna get it" at each other. I have seen God move recently in the lives of people that everyone else gave up on. I have felt His compassion and watched His Grace take over when it all seemed lost. There is no greater hope for us all that in the One True Living God. He lives in three persons- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And He cannot be killed. Not by Harry Reid, not by Eric Holder, not by Mr. Obama. Terrorists can't snuff Him out. He is the one constant in America that has been with us from the very beginning. Yes, there is judgment, but there is also mercy. And boy, as individuals do we need mercy now more than ever! And no, there were no Muslims in the Revolution or the Civil War. No one screamed allah ahkbar as they jumped out of the bushes to fight the British Army. Our forefathers were both secular and Christian in faith, and they are the reason we live as free men and women today. This government is working hard to destroy all that we are, but they are forgetting that The God of Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Deborah, Paul, Peter, John, Mary, James, etc.... is alive and well. So in the "Who Gets Who" debate, let's remember that God hasn't taken a vacation. Let us stand in faith like free men and women and keep our hand-wringing in check. We've got much work to do!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Failure to move forward

Well, the votes are in and the people have voiced their inability to change anything. Basically they voted to sit in their read ends and complain. Our nation fairly screamed that they like whining and refuse to get out of debt,or move past strife and division. The House is still Republican, the Senate is still Democrat, and the White House is still over spending. Our local Sheriff race has left the same ol' group in charge and failed to move forward into a new era. VERY sad. Gridlock is in our future, not forward momentum. Watch for an economic crisis of historic proportions. Watch for the coldness of society to become a titanic iceberg. Maybe it IS time to buy more toilet paper. As my dear friend put it this morning: "America is still the greatest nation in the world." At least it used to be- what we will behold in the next 4 years could dampen that enthusiasm. I love the America I grew up in. I love the flag that flies over a proud and stable nation. I love the military that strives to keep me safe. I love the freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, the ability to choose how to live my life. Those things may change in the next few years, so prepare yourselves. Keep your eyes focused on the One True Living God and let Him guide you all through this difficult time. He's the only stable help we have.