It's tough for some Christians and/or Conservatives to read and watch the news without freaking out over the current state of America. Let's just say it's the "calling good evil and evil good" syndrome.It breeds fear and anger, and we must find the strength to confront it.
This morning on Twitter, one gentleman wrote that if someone voted for slavery then they shouldn't expect a patriot to spill his blood over them. I say to all of you- a true patriot will "spill his blood" over anyone because that's who they are. Our troops do it all the time. They die in wars fought over people who wouldn't do the same for them. It's what makes America different than others. Our first responders do it all the time as well- standing in the place of the citizens, dying to keep them safe. Do we have that character and strength?
One day when I was being fitted for my first police uniform, word came that a police officer had been murdered while on a traffic stop in a nearby community. When they gave his name, it shook me to my core: it was a young man that I had gone to high school with. A friend. I went to the funeral with safety pins all up and down my legs, which required me to stand for the entire service. And stand I did, vowing that when tragedy strikes, my response must be running toward it, not away from it.
All of us must find the inner strength to see the problem and move toward it. Whether it is prayer over the sad situation in our nation, or a real disaster that requires us to do something physically. And in all of that we must find wisdom. I see rampant rumors and conspiracy theories spread across the internet...none of which exhibit the kind of wisdom and calm response that we all must have in order to combat the growing darkness in America. As a friend of mine once put it, "believe no one, take everything to the Lord first."
Isaiah 60 states that gross darkness will cover the earth. It's already here. But if we want our light to shine in that darkness, strength of faith, strength of character, strength of love must be our rallying point. Will you be willing? Willing to allow that strength of character to be built in your life? Or will we all fold up into a ball of hatred, anger, and bitterness over the way things are unfolding before us? You choose.