Monday, May 27, 2013
Memorial Day
Friday, May 17, 2013
Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?
As the revelations about big government scandals continue to roll out, one fellow blogger's post this morning hit home. It's not just the left wing Democrats being in charge that is the problem: it's BIG GOVERNMENT in whatever form that takes. We can't just trust that if Obama were gone, the Republicans would do better. It totally depends on who those Republicans are and whether or not they are in favor of big government.If they are, things would still not change for the better.
Traditionally, the Republican party has been the one who stands for LIMITED government. But as this entire big government trend plays before us, even some Republicans have condoned, supported, participated in, and pushed for government widening its control over the American people.
There's an old horror movie from back in 1962 called "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane," starring Bette Davis and Joan Crawford. It was about an older sister who tormented her baby sister, a former child actor. That scenario is occurring in America today. Our history is like that child actor- our current situation like the tormentor. Our congress, our WH, our very fabric is being torn apart- tormented, if you will- by our own people. We are systematically being destroyed from within, not to mention the jihad from without.
Hearing that our government actually targeted AP news agency, nonprofits -me too, by the way, but I was too small o' Idaho potatoes for them to pursue- tea party, churches, and allowed the murders of foreign embassy staff is just the tip of the iceberg of what big government does. Overweight, fat sloppy government torments its people. All we can pray for is that Americans will be shocked and dismayed at the scandals and find the courage to say no to the encroachment of the government in their lives. Let's stop that older sibling from tormenting all of us!
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
"State" Control
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
When Every Thought's a Prayer
One of the things I've noted over the years is that our thought life can run amok in the midst of serious situations. You know those, like a government that is desperately trying to destroy the bill of rights by subterfuge..that sort of thing.
When Paul told us to "pray without ceasing," (1 Thess 5:17) I have always maintained that he was talking about staying in constant communication with the Lord. That does NOT mean running off to the prayer closet every time something happens. It means we train our thoughts to become prayers and stay in touch at all times.
There have been some scary moments in my life, and some discouraging ones. In each of those things I am driven to change my thought process so that it allows the Lord to be close at all times. We shouldn't have to work ourselves up into a "spiritual place"- because Jesus already gave us access. We have access by training our thoughts.
In that place, we can know the mind of Christ. In that place we can see truth..which, considering our current situation in America, can cause us some anxiety. But also in that place we can feel and sense His heart. In case you think I do it right all the time, I don't. But when I do stay in contact with Him, things are easier to handle. We probably will never totally "pray without ceasing" while we live on the earth, but we can train ourselves to get as close as possible. The way things are going out there, such an ability might just save our lives in more ways than one!