Sunday, August 24, 2014

The days in which we live

Our founding Fathers may have worn tights, lace on their cuffs and around their necks, but they most certainly were not wimps or cowards. They knew when it was time to fight. It is their spirit, their belief in what is right that has pervaded American society from the beginning. Do you have that same spirit? Or will you succumb to the worldly atmosphere that saturates societies now?

"These are the times that try men's souls." Thomas Paine

We're in a war. A real one. You may think that the only one we're in is with radical Islam, but I'm here to tell you that the war is much much deeper than the natural world.

The forces at work at this point in history are not ones you can touch with your hands- they are ancient forces of evil that have a purpose. You can either play by their rules, or follow the heart of God. You choose.

So many are becoming selfish rather than selfless. But the Bible is VERY clear on the subject- if someone has something against someone else, God does not receive our gift until we have fixed the problem. When there is a seed in the heart that is of darkness, there will be no friendship with God. That means those who walk away from being a friend, those who have their own selfish agenda in mind...they become the Judas factor.

"Because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold..." Matthew 24:12

I have a dear friend who is going through hell right now. His sister is dying. He is mother is upset. His company is experiencing a temporary downturn and there is no money- he has lost nearly everything, and he has a family. His Facebook page was taken down for unknown reasons, which destroyed his ability to make more money. He has been betrayed by many who claimed to be his friends. He is most certainly NOT perfect, but he is still a human being with a heart. And he is not alone- the forces at work are raging through the world.

Friendships are being destroyed because of division. Patriots are not still patriots, because they are divided. If you can't stand together you can't call yourself a patriot, it's as simple as that. Families are being destroyed. Businesses are failing. Plagues are rampant, wars are everywhere, sin has torn our nation - and the world- apart. Everything that can be shaken is being shaken. The bottom line is that WE MUST HAVE HEARTS that follow God and not the things of this world. If our focus is on what we see, we will never reach the goal that God has set for us.

STOP right now and investigate your heart. Ask God to reveal anything in there that is off the beam. Don't worry, He doesn't carry a baseball bat- He is merciful. He will show you. If you do not believe in God, then ask that He reveal the truth to you. Let Him shower you with his gifts. Don't be afraid of becoming milktoast- Jesus walked the earth in great power- and He wasn't afraid to use it for the benefit even of people who hated Him in the end.God doesn't cotton to wimps- He seeks the meek, but not the weak. The spirit of our American forefathers still lives within us all- but as they asked for Divine assistance, so must we.