This could be called an open letter to all people who call themselves "Christians." As the description of this blog mentions, it's time to fasten your seatbelts, things are getting hotter. And this is my admonishment to you: stand strong in the fire. Keep your relationship to the Lord deep, personal, and filled with true faith.
We are seeing unprecedented attempts by the "Freedom from Religion Foundation" to remove all Christian prayer from American public life. Have they targeted other religions? Nope. Just Christians. They have an axe to grind, a deep seated hatred fed by the father of lies. And, as Jesus put it,we're almost to the point where "they think they do God a favor by killing you."
So listen up, Christians. Time to get some backbone so that you can stand in the middle of the flames.
Now, do I like conflict? No, I hate it. Do I like being the voice of doom and gloom? I hate that too. I want everything to be sweetness and light, goody two shoes huggy stuff. Unfortunately, anyone who reads the news knows better. And if you don't read it you're an idiot. (Yes, she said idiot, and meant it too!)
When someone tells you you can't say "amen" out loud, invite them to the theological place of eternal punishment. And if they tell you not to pray, the same applies. The government can't stop you from praying even if they cut your tongue out. You can pray in your head, and they can't mess with your spirit. And if they kill you, you get the better end of the deal. (And don't forget to forgive them on the way Home, because otherwise they'll be swimming in some really nasty spot forever and you might get stuck at the heavenly gates).
King Solomon declared that there was "nothing new under the sun." (Eccl) Truth, that. Some of the arguments used by Nero to burn Christians alive are being used by the left to make us look "dangerous" and evil. They are not above making things up, so be aware. Or their open hatred bursts out in statements like the left-winger who said she would like to see Rush Limbaugh die. It's an omen, gang, listen up. That statement came straight from the pit.It was a curse, which we reverse in Jesus' Name (yep, using His Name- too bad ACLU, FFRF, tough for you).
The devil hates opposition, he hates people to stand up against him. He wants control, and fawning, cowardly followers. He wanted to be God- and lost out, but he keeps trying. He knows he's lost the battle, so he's going to do his level best to destroy everything and everyone he can in the meantime. Every time you fight back to the bullies he sends it makes him mad and diminishes his power over the situation. I say laugh at him. The joy of the Lord is your strength.
As Daniel's three friends flat refused to bow to the Babylonian king, we must refuse to bow to the enemy of our souls. So if they throw us in the fire, we have to stand strong and hang on to tight to Jesus. May His Blood cover us with the power of redemption!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The Business of Government Nosey-ness
At the risk of sounding a bit rough, that the heck business is it of government what I eat? As Michelle Obama put it the other night, "desserts are not a right." Well, I think Grandma's Apple Pie is very much a right, thank you, and with that, butt out of my refrigerator.
And what business is it of government to run my healthcare? That should be between my doctor and I, not the messy-ocricy in Washington. Donald Bersnickety Berwicked or whatever his name is and his rationing principles aside, it's flat not the government's business.We don't need no stinking rationing.
Government was set up to protect the people from foreign armies, to provide for our safety, to give us the right to pursue happiness. It was never meant to be the food police, or the medical care puppetmasters.
And what about this new NSA program called "Perfect Citizen"-sounds like something right out of the Communist Stalin Regime or Hitler's Youth program. Pardon me if I don't run out an buy my new red scarf to wear as proof of my perfect behavior.
Why aren't they calling it something that has to do with cybersecurity, as they tell us it's function should be? What about Protection System instead of "Perfect Citizen?" I don't believe it has only a cyber-security purpose. It's name tells us otherwise. They don't want your favorite conservative bloggers to say anything bad about them. Too late, that.
Now before I get some speech from one of my brothers or sisters in Christ, let me say this: we are supposed to love our enemies, but we do not have to placate them to do it. David and his men killed their enemies. David cut off Goliath's head. Enemies that seek to destroy us must be fought both in the spiritual realm and reality- period.
We don't have to placate people or fail to tell the truth in order to love them.I pray for the President- I don't agree with him, and I will not bow my knee to him, but I do pray for him. I pray for visitation by the Lord, for God's mercy because pride goes before a fall and if he falls we all fall with him. So we need to pray for God's mercy on the PREsident.
He needs truth to be his advisor instead of the current crop of left-wing crazies.He needs to know America from the heart of its forefathers and the people who love it, not from his muddled background. He needs to be baptized in truth and love and the Presence of the only Living God, not his off-the-beam religious background of hatred and lies.
Love is not sticky and gooey, it is the best of all of God's gifts. And it does not rejoice in what is wrong!
So there you have it- I think the government needs to rein back on the control freak programs. They have encroached enough; we all need to stand up and start making ourselves heard. And I'll keep eating my dessert, thank you very much.
And what business is it of government to run my healthcare? That should be between my doctor and I, not the messy-ocricy in Washington. Donald Bersnickety Berwicked or whatever his name is and his rationing principles aside, it's flat not the government's business.We don't need no stinking rationing.
Government was set up to protect the people from foreign armies, to provide for our safety, to give us the right to pursue happiness. It was never meant to be the food police, or the medical care puppetmasters.
And what about this new NSA program called "Perfect Citizen"-sounds like something right out of the Communist Stalin Regime or Hitler's Youth program. Pardon me if I don't run out an buy my new red scarf to wear as proof of my perfect behavior.
Why aren't they calling it something that has to do with cybersecurity, as they tell us it's function should be? What about Protection System instead of "Perfect Citizen?" I don't believe it has only a cyber-security purpose. It's name tells us otherwise. They don't want your favorite conservative bloggers to say anything bad about them. Too late, that.
Now before I get some speech from one of my brothers or sisters in Christ, let me say this: we are supposed to love our enemies, but we do not have to placate them to do it. David and his men killed their enemies. David cut off Goliath's head. Enemies that seek to destroy us must be fought both in the spiritual realm and reality- period.
We don't have to placate people or fail to tell the truth in order to love them.I pray for the President- I don't agree with him, and I will not bow my knee to him, but I do pray for him. I pray for visitation by the Lord, for God's mercy because pride goes before a fall and if he falls we all fall with him. So we need to pray for God's mercy on the PREsident.
He needs truth to be his advisor instead of the current crop of left-wing crazies.He needs to know America from the heart of its forefathers and the people who love it, not from his muddled background. He needs to be baptized in truth and love and the Presence of the only Living God, not his off-the-beam religious background of hatred and lies.
Love is not sticky and gooey, it is the best of all of God's gifts. And it does not rejoice in what is wrong!
So there you have it- I think the government needs to rein back on the control freak programs. They have encroached enough; we all need to stand up and start making ourselves heard. And I'll keep eating my dessert, thank you very much.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
From Exploration to Implosion
This week has seen some real nutcase actions so far by the government. We have the government filing a lawsuit against Arizona for trying to enforce the law. ????(Smart, I tell ya, real smart.)
We have the Obama-Netanyahu meeting where everybody smiled for the cameras, when you know that both men would like to take a brick and "bless" the other upside the head. Bibi would win.
We have the recess appointment of some idiot who wants socialized medicine to a major Medical oversight department in the government. Sigh.
Frankly the worst ding-dong issue is one you might not have noticed:
Excerpt from (Erick Erickson)
"NASA: From the Moon to Mecca
From the "you can't make this up" file, President Obama is turning NASA into his Muslim-outreach agency. According to Fox News, NASA Administrator Charles Bolden says that NASA's foremost mission in 2010 is to improve relations with the Muslim world.
Pause. Re-read. Pause. Huh? Yes. Re-read again.
He went on to say, "[w]hen I became the NASA administrator - or before I became the NASA administrator - [President Obama] charged me with three things. One was he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math, he wanted me to expand our international relationships, and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science . and math and engineering."
Now, reasonable people can disagree about what NASA should be doing and how much we should spend on a national space program. But come on - are you serious?"
Excuse me.Our President has lost what little mind he had left. NASA is a SPACE exploration program. Not the space between your ears, the space out there in the cosmos. He just destroyed the hopes and dreams of thousands of potential astronauts who wanted to see the universe- now they are supposed to stroke Arabs like puppies to make them feel better. Good grief.If we needed more counselors in the government, he should have tasked the Department of Health and Human Services, not the Space Agency! Yikes.
If these times seem totally bizarre to you, it's because our leader has never known God personally, nor has he ever loved America. He grew up in bitterness, obviously.
The Islamic political system is based upon hatred of those not involved in it. It is not strictly a religion, it is a political governing based upon bitterness and anger and jealousy. Hosea Ballou, one of our nation's early leaders, once said that "any religion which requires hatred to sustain it, is of the devil's own propogation."
True love allows people to fulfill their potential, allows them to grow and become all that God intended. The definition of these things in our current leadership is one of control and supression, not expression. Exploration is a form of expression. It is an optimistic view of the universe, one that says there are things yet to be discovered. Turning that program inward is a destroyer of hope.
When the Apollo program landed on the moon, in spite of the deaths, in spite of the setbacks, something marvelous happened: the entire world sat glued to their TVs, excitedly watching a new era of exploration. It was a great day. It was a day of hope.It was a day of horizons reached, of fresh trails to blaze. The same happened when President Bush suggested that we shoot for Mars. A new horizon to touch, a fresh journey to embark upon...great excitement washed all over America that day. It didn't last.
Along comes Obama, who takes those hopes and smashes them by changing the very nature of new horizons. No longer do we have something exciting to look forward to, now we have to walk backwards into the old. Now we have to grovel in the swamp of bitterness and people who feel sorry for themselves. No thanks, Mr. President. I hope that enough people start squawking about this "decree" so it will fall.
We have the Obama-Netanyahu meeting where everybody smiled for the cameras, when you know that both men would like to take a brick and "bless" the other upside the head. Bibi would win.
We have the recess appointment of some idiot who wants socialized medicine to a major Medical oversight department in the government. Sigh.
Frankly the worst ding-dong issue is one you might not have noticed:
Excerpt from (Erick Erickson)
"NASA: From the Moon to Mecca
From the "you can't make this up" file, President Obama is turning NASA into his Muslim-outreach agency. According to Fox News, NASA Administrator Charles Bolden says that NASA's foremost mission in 2010 is to improve relations with the Muslim world.
Pause. Re-read. Pause. Huh? Yes. Re-read again.
He went on to say, "[w]hen I became the NASA administrator - or before I became the NASA administrator - [President Obama] charged me with three things. One was he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math, he wanted me to expand our international relationships, and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science . and math and engineering."
Now, reasonable people can disagree about what NASA should be doing and how much we should spend on a national space program. But come on - are you serious?"
Excuse me.Our President has lost what little mind he had left. NASA is a SPACE exploration program. Not the space between your ears, the space out there in the cosmos. He just destroyed the hopes and dreams of thousands of potential astronauts who wanted to see the universe- now they are supposed to stroke Arabs like puppies to make them feel better. Good grief.If we needed more counselors in the government, he should have tasked the Department of Health and Human Services, not the Space Agency! Yikes.
If these times seem totally bizarre to you, it's because our leader has never known God personally, nor has he ever loved America. He grew up in bitterness, obviously.
The Islamic political system is based upon hatred of those not involved in it. It is not strictly a religion, it is a political governing based upon bitterness and anger and jealousy. Hosea Ballou, one of our nation's early leaders, once said that "any religion which requires hatred to sustain it, is of the devil's own propogation."
True love allows people to fulfill their potential, allows them to grow and become all that God intended. The definition of these things in our current leadership is one of control and supression, not expression. Exploration is a form of expression. It is an optimistic view of the universe, one that says there are things yet to be discovered. Turning that program inward is a destroyer of hope.
When the Apollo program landed on the moon, in spite of the deaths, in spite of the setbacks, something marvelous happened: the entire world sat glued to their TVs, excitedly watching a new era of exploration. It was a great day. It was a day of hope.It was a day of horizons reached, of fresh trails to blaze. The same happened when President Bush suggested that we shoot for Mars. A new horizon to touch, a fresh journey to embark upon...great excitement washed all over America that day. It didn't last.
Along comes Obama, who takes those hopes and smashes them by changing the very nature of new horizons. No longer do we have something exciting to look forward to, now we have to walk backwards into the old. Now we have to grovel in the swamp of bitterness and people who feel sorry for themselves. No thanks, Mr. President. I hope that enough people start squawking about this "decree" so it will fall.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Independence Day
So today is the celebration of the signing of the Declaration of Independence for the United States. It's the day that started a long and bloody war for the right to live in freedom from control by the government of England. Since our children, our teens, our college students are being given a version of history that is a flat lie, I thought today I should prepare a dose of quotations from some of our more famous forefathers.
The following were not written in the National Review, or the Newsmax Magazine, nor were they quotes from Erick Erickson, Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, or Laura Ingraham. They are from the people who created the foundation for American principles. Our current crop of leaders are nothing like them. Our current leaders couldn't say something eloquent if it were written on their teleprompters. Happy 4th of July- and may the principles set before by our forefathers be rekindled among us!
"There are persons who constantly clamor. They complain of oppression, speculation, and pernicious influence of wealth. They cry out loudly against all banks and corporations, and a means by which small capitalists become united in order to produce important and beneficial results. They carry on mad hostility against all established institutions. They would choke the fountain of all human civilization." Daniel Webster 1782-1852
"Government is a trust, and the officers of the government are trustees; and both the trust and the trustees are created for the benefit of the people." Henry Clay (1777-1852)
"The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression should be our first object."
"The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time."
Thomas Jefferson 1743-1826
"Constant complaint is the poorest sort of pay for all the comforts we enjoy." Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790
"With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and for his orphans, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations." Abraham Lincoln 1809-1865
The following were not written in the National Review, or the Newsmax Magazine, nor were they quotes from Erick Erickson, Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, or Laura Ingraham. They are from the people who created the foundation for American principles. Our current crop of leaders are nothing like them. Our current leaders couldn't say something eloquent if it were written on their teleprompters. Happy 4th of July- and may the principles set before by our forefathers be rekindled among us!
"There are persons who constantly clamor. They complain of oppression, speculation, and pernicious influence of wealth. They cry out loudly against all banks and corporations, and a means by which small capitalists become united in order to produce important and beneficial results. They carry on mad hostility against all established institutions. They would choke the fountain of all human civilization." Daniel Webster 1782-1852
"Government is a trust, and the officers of the government are trustees; and both the trust and the trustees are created for the benefit of the people." Henry Clay (1777-1852)
"The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression should be our first object."
"The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time."
Thomas Jefferson 1743-1826
"Constant complaint is the poorest sort of pay for all the comforts we enjoy." Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790
"With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and for his orphans, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations." Abraham Lincoln 1809-1865
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