At the risk of sounding a bit rough, that the heck business is it of government what I eat? As Michelle Obama put it the other night, "desserts are not a right." Well, I think Grandma's Apple Pie is very much a right, thank you, and with that, butt out of my refrigerator.
And what business is it of government to run my healthcare? That should be between my doctor and I, not the messy-ocricy in Washington. Donald Bersnickety Berwicked or whatever his name is and his rationing principles aside, it's flat not the government's business.We don't need no stinking rationing.
Government was set up to protect the people from foreign armies, to provide for our safety, to give us the right to pursue happiness. It was never meant to be the food police, or the medical care puppetmasters.
And what about this new NSA program called "Perfect Citizen"-sounds like something right out of the Communist Stalin Regime or Hitler's Youth program. Pardon me if I don't run out an buy my new red scarf to wear as proof of my perfect behavior.
Why aren't they calling it something that has to do with cybersecurity, as they tell us it's function should be? What about Protection System instead of "Perfect Citizen?" I don't believe it has only a cyber-security purpose. It's name tells us otherwise. They don't want your favorite conservative bloggers to say anything bad about them. Too late, that.
Now before I get some speech from one of my brothers or sisters in Christ, let me say this: we are supposed to love our enemies, but we do not have to placate them to do it. David and his men killed their enemies. David cut off Goliath's head. Enemies that seek to destroy us must be fought both in the spiritual realm and reality- period.
We don't have to placate people or fail to tell the truth in order to love them.I pray for the President- I don't agree with him, and I will not bow my knee to him, but I do pray for him. I pray for visitation by the Lord, for God's mercy because pride goes before a fall and if he falls we all fall with him. So we need to pray for God's mercy on the PREsident.
He needs truth to be his advisor instead of the current crop of left-wing crazies.He needs to know America from the heart of its forefathers and the people who love it, not from his muddled background. He needs to be baptized in truth and love and the Presence of the only Living God, not his off-the-beam religious background of hatred and lies.
Love is not sticky and gooey, it is the best of all of God's gifts. And it does not rejoice in what is wrong!
So there you have it- I think the government needs to rein back on the control freak programs. They have encroached enough; we all need to stand up and start making ourselves heard. And I'll keep eating my dessert, thank you very much.
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