Saturday, August 14, 2010

Darkness Before the Dawn

What do we do when everything you see is completely unbelievable? When your President can't tell friend from foe, when your leaders seem to have brain damage, and the economics of the things attached to all of that sucks your life dry. What do we do?

What do we do when we pray on our faces for our nation's leaders and it seems to only get worse? Do we give up? Do we let ourselves get bitter? Should we throw a royal pity party?

Obviously, none of those things are productive. The first piece of advice: go make a peanut butter sandwich. Seriously. Walk away from the TV or internet and make a peanut butter sandwich. I just did, it was great. Made it on raisin bread- outstanding. My whole outlook is better.

Now I can tell you this little tidbit of news that you might not have wanted to face: your President is not on our side. What? Such a shock! He knows full well that building a mosque at ground zero is the establishment of a victory symbol that flies in the face of America. It's the Muslim version of the "up yours" symbol. He knows that it's part of the way Islam works- establish themselves, intimidate, kill, and conquer. It is the culture he grew up in! So if you are shocked at his stand on the mosque, you've had your head stuck in the sand a while now.

We pray and pray, and see little major shifting to the good. Why? Because we asked for this. The American people were dumb enough to fall for the crap in the election, so we asked for it. We elected these idiots. Our fault. So now we have to live with the consequences until we can repent, get our guts and brains back, and vote them out of office.God wants us to see what we have done, repent, and turn to Him.

Now for the good news: when a storm throws its best shot at you, the sky turns black. The clouds cover the sky and dump the torrents of rain and thunder and lightning...and suddenly, the light breaks through. As the sun splits the clouds and the rainbow appears,hope returns. The Bible says that "weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning."

No matter how difficult these times are for us, we have something the left-wing crazies do not: the Advocate, the Comforter. We have a Friend and Savior they do not know. And He is not mocked. People can do very evil thing on the planet including kill God's precious ones, but ultimately the end game is ours not theirs. We win, they lose. God does not take kindly to evil, what goes around comes around. Judgment is inevitable, just as the rising sun at dawn.

A silly example: a dear friend once worked at McDonalds. She worked very hard, but the manager thought she was ugly, so he did his level best to make her look bad in everything she did. One morning the pancake batter dispenser stopped working. My friend asked the manager for help, as the orders were backing up. He made a snotty remark and pushed the handle of the stuck dispenser. Wait for it.... All of the backed up batter sprayed in his face and all over his shirt!
All of the employees burst into near-hysterical laughter, and my friend learned that he had treated all of them poorly as well. We reap what we sow, it's the law of the universe.

So as we pray and hope in our Lord, as well see evil after evil perpetuated in the earth, know that the law of reaping and sowing is in play. It may look the darkest it's ever been, but when the worst has come, the dawn will arrive.

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