Monday, June 20, 2011

Stupid Moments in America

At any one time, all of us can say stupid things. Like John McCain offhandedly saying the it was possibly illegals who started the fires in Arizona without some actual evidence. The news media grabbed that and started its own firestorm, most of which were comments taken out of context with what he was trying to say. But it was a stupid moment. He didn't think first about how he said it.

But the really ripe moment came through NBC. Their film editors decided arbitrarily to edit out "One Nation Under God" from the pledge of allegiance done by a group of school children during the U.S. Open coverage. What the?

This penchant that lefties have for trying to remove God from our society has to be challenged constantly. NBC "apologized if it offended anyone." Notice they didn't apologize for doing it, they apologized if it offended somebody. I rarely watch NBC anyway. And this has really cured me. Moving from rarely to never as of now. Am I offended? No, and I'm not shocked either. Disgusted maybe. Ticked off for certain.

Do the NBC bullies know better than we the people? I say no. I say we need to make some noise. We need to back the bullies off and tell them to get out of our face and stop trying to re-write history, the Constitution, and our pledge. Let's take the stupid out of the media!

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