Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Debt Deal and Other Wizardry

With everyone patting themselves on the back and others looking for more magic powder, it appears that the debt deal is a success, at least short term. But I have noticed in my short lifetime that bandaids tend to fall off the wound after they've been on for a while. They simply don't stick for long.

As hard fought as the debt deal was, it was necessary to get things moving forward. The trick now comes in keeping the train going. Did Obama win big? Not really, his left-wingers are mad at him. Did we conservatives win big? Bigger than we thought we would, but we're still in the soup. If you think Congress pulled off a Harry Potter style miracle, you'd be wrong. The US is in so deep right now that though we can limp along under this new legislation, we have to actually use wisdom instead of the sorcerer's wand to get things done. And we need good men and women willing to care about the nation first to do it.

Example: While we focused on the wrangling over debt ceilings, Harry Reid managed to lose 4000 FAA employees just to save an unnecessary airport in Ely, Nevada. One that can't make money. Why? Wild horses don't fly in airplanes. Neither do volcanic rocks. And that's about all that lives in Ely, Nevada. Why the heck do they need a federally subsidized airport? Mr Reid needs to take his magic powder and leave office. He only cares about his pork barrels, not about the nation. And he's not the only one, nor is it always the Democrats that do it. It's an elephant/donkey wizard festival sometimes.

Frankly, I'm fed up with Congress' propensity toward using its power to drive home bills that create and perpetuate personal projects for individuals or companies. I want to see legislation that works for the common good of the people. I want to see less government. I want to see more freedom and less nanny-state. I want wisdom in my government. LEss magic powder, more true wisdom. How about you?

1 comment:

  1. They reduced the budget by 7 billion dollars. That's good, right? Until you figure that our deficit spending is 4 billion per DAY! It's a start I guess. :(


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