Monday, December 19, 2011

Wisdom or Panic?

Ok, I'm wading in on that Defense Bill with the detention provision tucked inside. Erick Erickson mentions that it's section 1021 in an 1800 page document.Gotta love these short bills, huh? Anyone wanting to read throught it would go to sleep before they got to the end.

The provision supposedly gives the President broad power to detain anyone involved in any kind of "Terrorist group" indefinitely without legal foundation. So, what's a terrorist group, we ask?

Now first, I remember certain members of the administration back in 2009 warning the country that conservatives or as she put it "the right wing" were dangerous and she nearly placed us in the terrorist category in a memo she wrote. has given many of my conservative friends pause as to what is the real agenda behind the "Fema Camps." Not to worry, I'm sure that we can prove that we are far more dangerous than they think we are.

Then there are my Christian friends who are freaked out thinking their homeschooling or evangelical activities are going to get them classified as "terrorists." Again we can prove we are far more dangerous than the government thinks we are: we PRAY. Now THAT's dangerous!

Point is, while this legislation passed with narry a nay, it passed because our own leadership is scared. OUR response should not be panic, or anger, but should contain true wisdom. There are inherent problems with the law -- let's work to get those parts removed. We still have a legal system, as wacky as it may be. Let's not give the liberals cause to call us deranged, let's show them who's really boss!

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