Thursday, February 16, 2012

Pilots and the Obama budget

So word is out today that within the Obama budget (or lack thereof) is a severe cut in the Federal Flight Deck Officers program- also known as the Armed Pilots program.

Having our flight deck officers armed and trained is essential during a time of terrorism. I flew back to Idaho the day before 9-11-01 and was appalled to see that the cockpit door was open on my flight, with no security whatsoever.That has not happened on any subsequent flights, now with armed officers, at least I feel secure enough to duck if necessary.

This administration is bizarre in its function. First out of the box they tried to cut off the supply of brass for reloading shells. They have often tried to sneak in gun control legislation in the fine print of completely unrelated bills. Now they want to cut the pilot's program so deeply that, according to other bloggers, it would essentially destroy the program. They simply hate guns. They hate the people of America having access to any guns. They want us disarmed.

And yet the "Fast and Furious" scandal showed that they were more than happy to give guns to the Mexican cartels. What's the deal? It's ok to arm criminals, but not ok to have citizens armed for protection? Something needs to give here. This hypocritical stance on guns needs to be stopped in its tracks.
The right to keep and bear arms is being whittled away. The pilot's right to protect themselves is at stake. Let's not let them win!

1 comment:

  1. I'm not surprised - the TSA/ DHS/ security establishment has always hated the idea of anyone besides them being able to respond to problems; they took YEARS to get the program going to begin with, and even then it was only because of congressional pressure.


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