Friday, March 15, 2013


"The time to guard against corruption and tyranny is before they have gotten ahold of us. It is better to keep the wolf out of the fold than to trust to drawing his teeth and talons after he shall have entered." Thomas Jefferson 1743-1826.
I believe the wolves have already created their "pack" and are attempting to destroy the flock. Thomas Jefferson was no dummy, and neither were most of our "founding fathers." They didn't always get along, but they were able to unite against the King of England and fight to be free. They all had a sense of duty to the people of their fledgling nation. That duty is sadly missing today. Not only is the duty missing, so is the honesty and integrity they so strongly portrayed by their actions. And take note, Mr. O, they were by and large Christian in character and practice.
The King of England tried to stamp out liberty and dictate every portion of the lives of the people.Their taxes were out of sight expensive for the day, and there were no representatives to stand up for their ivelihood. (The infamous "Boston Tea Party.") They came to the shores of America to be free to worship, to be free of governmental interference. They knew they would have to fight to win those rights. And fight they did. Jefferson once noted that "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God."
An ancestor of mine, Captain Alexander Harper, (brother to Colonel John Harper of Harper's Ferry fame), ended up in an Indian camp as a prisoner during the Revolutionary War. For 3 years he endured difficulties we cannot imagine. Until one day, he was given the chance to go through a gauntlet. A gauntlet allowed the Indians to hit him with tomahawks, rocks, and any other thing until he bled profusely from every portion of his body. He survived.And by his very survival, he won his freedom. He exhibited courage, the will to fight in spite of his circumstances. He could have given up, but he did not.And the Natives honored his courage with freedom.
We must elect men and women of solid character. We must stop electing fools and wolves whose only purpose is to greedily seek power and control over us. We must gather the courage to stand against the assaults on our freedoms by people who do not value the Constitution nor the men who wrote it. It is not an irrelevant document, and neither is the Bible. "The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time." (Also Thomas Jefferson). It takes true courage to stand against the tide of media scrutiny, against the sarcastic and evil comments of legislators who seem to enjoy talking into microphones without wisdom, against the loud and obnoxious screeching of people who know nothing of what they are talking about. It is those demonic powers we must defeat with courage and fortitude.

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