Monday, June 3, 2013


So. Tom Brokaw thinks Abu Ghraib is worse than these lates crop of scandals, does he? He is so wrong it makes my hair frizz. The scandals of Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS, etc affect the entire nation. They strike at the very fabric of America. It's not just our freedom being attacked, it's the people themselves. Targeting political rivals is a tactic of dictators. Attempts to disarm the populace is a tactic of dictators. Calling kind-hearted, responsible people evil and dangerous is a tactic of dictators. And though I have always admired Tom Brokaw, he is spreading propoganda. Maybe we should call the media our "Tokyo Rose journalists."

Did you know that Nero was so afraid of Christians that he took one of their own beliefs- the communion- and turned it against them in the public view? He spread the lie that because Christians "drank blood and ate flesh" they should die. Thousands of Christian died horrific deaths because of that lie spread by a maniac.

America absolutely must wake up. The doomsdayers forget that God has a role in our lives, so they aren't entirely correct in their prophecies of destruction, but they are correct in that as a people we MUST stand firm against the foolishness around us. Overwhelming debt, out of control government, all of these things work together to destroy our way of life. It's not about being conservative or liberal, it's about losing the very foundation of all that we have known as Americans. Debt kills. Lies kill. Demand that the government stop the madness.

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