Thursday, August 1, 2013

Under the Surface

The link today goes to what I'd call a bizarre story of nanny government. They've created a "nudge squad" to try and get people to change their behaviors to the model of the government. While some of it sounds oh so logical (saving money, automatically signing people up for weight loss clinics, etc)there is an insidious tone to it that leaves me feeling creeped out.

It would be nice if this administration would stop trying to alter the citizens (a nasty form of brainwashing) and just stay out of our lives. Big government is far more obese than anyone in America. It's big sloppy reach is so wide by now that we can't do anything without Big Brother snooping around in our lives. So now they want to "nudge" the departments into acting and accomplishing personal things the way "They" want them to. Say, for example, the "nudge squad" demands that you save money according to their guidelines. Suppose you can't pay your mortgage if you have to take that much out. So they're what, going to fire you for not saving? This concept is straight from the pit.

The "squad" says they can "opt out." Yep. I'll bet they can. Opt out of the job and on out the door. The problem with "nudges," as one blogger put it this morning, is that it can quickly become a shove.Especially with a government that operates in evil. They are literally trying to create an army of totally compliant people. And that doesn't work for me.

Freedom is about just that: freedom and personal responsibility. An "offer" is better than a "nudge." This administration's continual interference in our lives has reached epidemic proportions. And the problem is that anger is reaching a boiling point in America. And all of it is caused by the head dude of control freaks, satan himself.

If we could see the demonic realm around us, we would see that there is a plan in place. Satan can't allow freedom, because he is a control freak. He has to have slaves rather than followers. God has friends. Friends who choose to follow Him in love and faith. Satan can't do that, so he attempts to control us on every level. He tries to control us by fomenting anger, by demanding that we comply with the administration's "nudges," and by sacrificing the freedoms that our forefathers fought for. Will you be "nudged?"

1 comment:

  1. Yep and most people are just ignoring the little stuff. They will notice it once they are taken to task on some small issue by the government.


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