Monday, July 28, 2014

The significance of current events

We traverse through points of history generally oblivious to the significance of the events around us. But there are clear warnings from Scripture. Like this: A river in China has "mysteriously" turned blood red.
Rev 8:8 "...and a third part of the sea became blood." That word "sea" is thalassa it's Greek for sea, pool, lake, etc. Generally, Americans tend to ignore things like this- a "Red Tide" is just you know, that "stuff" in the water. Just because it makes the seafood in it inedible that's no big deal. Right? The Chinese river turning red is just from "stuff"- pollution- in the water.

The ocean now has "dead zones" in it where oxygen is absent. Fish, crustaceans, other creatures die there.

"...And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died..." Rev 8:9

We need to start paying attention to the signs around us. The wonders in the sky from the Hubble Space Telescope, for example.

When you add these things to the horrific deaths of our brothers and sisters in the Middle East; when you see Israel having to fight to defend itself against terrorists who want them wiped from the earth; when you see our own nation run far away from God and become enveloped in the "gross darkness" of Isaiah 60, then you must realize that things are rolling towards a massive Divine culmination.

It's time we got our collective heads out of the sand, folks. Time is short. "You will be made to care" is a statement that rings true across all demographics. You can wait for rescue, or you can prepare yourself for whatever comes. Don't wait- prepare. Be wise as serpents, harmless as doves. Get ready for the Bridegroom, keep your lamps lit with His anointing oil and don't let it go out by complacency, laziness, or sheer boredom. Know Him. Know him personally. Walk in His power and grace. Will you be willing to commit to Him with everything you are? Or will you sit on the couch and ignore the situation around you?

"And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt with flatteries; but the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits." Daniel 11:32

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