Saturday, May 28, 2011

Gun Owners vs Government

I see this morning that Mr O is working on two new proposals to restrict guns again. Government seems to have difficulty with understanding the problem with gun control. So here is my take on the subject:

1. Very few shootings can be stopped with gun control. The Virginia Tech massacre a few years ago could have been stopped with the right kind of background checks- but there is still a hole in that procedure. Mental illness is not always tracked in a manner that gets into any of the background check systems. Unless a judge orders the person to be fingerprinted, no one will ever know about the problem. And thus they will get their grubby little paws on guns to kill people. You can "tighten up" the background checks, as in one of the current proposals by Mr. O, but likely it will only serve to prevent law abiding people from owning guns.

Case in point: I personally know a gentleman who had one misdemeanor on his record. He's not an axe murderer, he's a normal guy who loves to fish and hunt. And misdemeanors, especially traffic ones, do not count toward blocking gun ownership. Due to some sort of snaffu, it shows up as a flag to prevent him from purchasing a gun. He has done everything to try to get it changed, expunged, fixed, but the ATF and government groups have blocked him at every turn. His attorney has spent years trying to remedy the mistake to no avail. Would better record checks help us or hurt us? I think the latter.

2. Mr O has always been a backdoor legislator- in other words he is always trying legislation that comes in under the guise of something else. Another proposal is to ban certain magazine clips for a specific type of weapon. "Tightening" up the systems for ammunition is one way to destroy the ability of normal people to enjoy their guns.

When Mr O took office, the price of ammunition skyrocketed. The government stopped the military from selling off their used brass, which put a huge crimp (pardon the pun) in affordable ammunition. Further plans to mess with ammunition is a perfect way to push the price up so high that ordinary people will struggle to buy any ammo at all. It will also push the underground industry to new levels.

The thing that people don't understand is that the underground weapons trade is where the majority of death comes from. Gang violence and cartel violence does not come from legal gun trades- they come from a vast network of weapons traffickers that operate all over the globe. They also come from back alley gun sales, not from your local Cabela's. So don't be fooled by government ideas to "tighten" things up. There is an ulterior motive.

I am a firm believer in gun ownership- I grew up with guns in our home (loaded ones). We had a rifle range in the workshop of my Dad's business. I've never shot myself or a loved one. I would use it to defend myself or my family from someone with the intent to harm us. Which is the point of gun ownership in the first place: hunting for food, and defending your lives. Not everyone should shoot nor use a gun- some people aren't emotionally solid enough or physically able to handle one. But for those of us who are...we will stand against any moves of the government to delete our right to keep and bear arms.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Where are We Going?

Thanks to everyone who responded to my blog the other day. The consensus is that I should be me and not try to please a nebulous someone who doesn't think I should be so harsh. And by the way, some of the left and right wing bloggers out there are a thousand times meaner than me, just so you know.

This morning I listened to Bibi Netanyahu with tears trying to dribble down my face. It was the most clear speech I've heard from a head of state since Reagan told Gorbachev to "tear down that wall." Mr Netanyahu told President Abbas to "tear up your agreement with Hamas and make peace with the Jewish people." I pray that he listens.

It's never been about a Palestinian homeland, the Jews would allow that in a heartbeat. It's ALWAYS been about them not recognizing the Jewish homeland- the ground that knew the footsteps of Joshua, David, Deborah, Isaiah, and Jesus. It's been about the radical elements bringing hatred and the hope of destroying the Jews that has always stopped peace. He spoke truth and he did it with power and grace. Good job, Bibi!

But as to real peace and hatred,listen carefully: everything we say and speak has a living quality to it. If we live in any hatred whatsoever, that hatred spreads like cancer cells to the body. What "vibes" we give off affect how we are received, how we act, how we accomplish anything. If peace is to ever come to the Middle East, hatred must stop. Fake peace will not stand.

But that goes to Christians as well. If we are to be the ambassadors of the Living God who loves all mankind, then we must stop giving off the "vibes" of sour people. We are not about the rules and regs, because Jesus fulfilled all of them. We should be about mercy and peace, love, and forgiveness. I meet so many Christians who are so grim and religious that no one can relate to them. If you try to hold a conversation, they quote a Scripture at you. If you are in need of comfort, they speak some religious platitude at you and walk away. They use silly references about others but actual truth and deep conversations elude them. It's like a little kid skipping through her mom's flower bed, oblivious to the fact that she's smashing all of the flowers as she goes!

We can be like the people who don't truly want peace and just mouth the words to try and manipulate their way, or we can be the lovers of mankind that Jesus originally desired us to be. Let's do it from the heart. Let's not smash the flowers. Let's bring REAL peace to those around us!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Is She Bad? Or is She just Mad?

Ok, let's settle this once and for all. I want feedback. Read my blog backlog and see what you think- am I rotten to the core? Or am I just speaking from my heart? You tell me if you think I should start completely over and delete all the old blogs. Let me know if you think I'm too harsh and could get myself damaged in the writing game.

Jesus did call people names by the way- the religious people. He never called a broken person names. He was brutally honest with people who thought of themselves as the people of God and better than everyone else. He was gentle with those who knew they were imperfect.

I do tend to be rough on those who call themselves Christians but do things which make us all look bad, not to mention get people killed.So you tell me if you want me to continue or delete this blog and start from scratch. I am quite passionate about things, but if you think I'm offensive or asking for trouble please let me know. I have been told that my blogs are "unseemly" and would cause a publisher to reject me (they haven't yet and I've had them since 2009, but just in case...). Not taking any, figbee

Saturday, May 21, 2011

No Flying Lessons Today

It appears that the Rev was wrong...again. Always remember when the nutcases come out and start proclaiming they know the date of Christ's return-- they're wrong every time.

First, let's set the record straight- Christ's return is not the "end of the world." It's the beginning of a new one. And Scripture is quite clear that NO MAN knows that day or hour except the Father. Last time I looked at the photos, all those folks with placards were humans. Lets them out of the God-loop for knowing the date and time.

Here's one of the most important things to learn about prophecy- Biblical or otherwise: when it is spoken, it almost never comes about the way WE think it should. Interpretation always falls short of what really happens.
Take Isaiah 9:11 for example. The Jews expected a King who would be the earthly govenment that would forever keep them from captivity and being conquered. "Of the increase of His government there shall be no end..."
When Isaiah prophesied about a man being "wounded for our transgressions," and bearing our "sorrows and griefs" he had no idea what he was saying. Jesus came and was rejected by His own people because their view of what was supposed to happen was false.

If it were as easy as watching a group of people standing on a street corner warn us that it's happening "today," who would need to listen to Jesus? He wants EVERYONE to listen for Him because He wants your heart and your love. He is coming as a "thief in the night" for those who love Him. The folks with the billboards can't help you - Jesus can. And He doesn't shout. He whispers.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

More shaking on the way

When our government started to push the "peace process" by demanding that Israel give up territory in the "Road Map", we got hit with Katrina. So what can we expect after today's demand that they go back to pre-1967 borders?

Here's the deal: there were many miracles during the 1967 war- all sorts of supernatural signs that God fought for Israel. Tanks in formation that didn't exist, soldiers that weren't real, etc.Very similar to the story of Gideon and his meager 300 men against the massive armies of the time. But today, our government literally thumbed its nose at God's intervention in that war to demand that Israel bag it.

Now I realize that in a blog I'm supposed to be mild and meek and sweet and nice. But put in simple (as nice as I can be) terms, today's move by our leader is a terrible mistake. As much as God loves the Arab people, there was something about the land that God decided should be given to the Jews. I'm not in charge, I can't comprehend it, but that's what He did. I want peace as much as the next guy- but I want a true peace, one that comes from the heart. And I want it for all the peoples of the Middle East. Unfortunately, that can only happen with a change of heart- because there is hatred that is deep on both sides. It will not be bridged by a "peace plan" or a "road map" or any agreement reached by man.

God is very real. People can believe what they want, but the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David and Paul is alive and well. And He doesn't like it when people ignore Him, or deliberately tell Him to cram it. Doing that guarantees a response-- and the avalanche rolls downhill.

I'm not so much mad as I am grieved for America. I love my country and our leadership seems bound and determined to throw us under wheels of the the Fiery Chariot. Good thinkin'.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

One Day

One day I will wake up and there will be no more anger or hatred, death or struggle. The sun won't be shining in the sky, but the atmosphere will be warm and the light bright. The people that I love will greet me as I amble down the street. I'll go to my favorite spot and sit on a rock by the crystal stream that rushes through the countryside, and feel its cool spray splash against my legs.

I'll saunter through town where the main street is lined with trees of every size and shape. Every one has a different colored fruit- crimson, orangey orange, lemony yellow, the greenest green, even indigo blue. The colors are alive and almost scintillate in that light that has no sun.I can reach out and pick them, and the taste is sweet and crunchy unlike anything I've ever tasted. And the fruit makes me feel something...maybe joy? maybe love? maybe like nothing I can describe.

Then I'll walk on down the street and wander to the forest with craggy cliffs above the city. Below there is a River flowing with such immense size that it cuts through the valley in unending power. Bigger than the Columbia River. Wider than the Mississippi. A River of pure clear water. Before me there is a waterfall from its headwaters- a spot of indescribable majesty, a roaring of water spilling over the rocks in a living rainbow of color. I'll sit there a while too, just to listen to the Voice of the Waters.

Later it will be time to meet everyone at a special place, the place where the water is so still it looks like a sea of glass. All who enter that place are reflected in the pool. All creatures great and small, people of every tongue, tribe and nation, we'll all be there. It will be the time of thanksgiving to the Light, the song of the Lamb will be sung, the dance of the King will be danced, and the celebration the banquet will begin.

One Day. I can hardly wait!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Rejoicing is Misplaced

Last evening after church, we all ran home to the news that Bin Laden had finally been killed. Justice was served, right? Yes and no.

For a radical Islamist, being killed for the cause is instant martyrdom. Which gives their followers license to go on a revenge binge.

Then we have the television filled with scenes of Americans celebrating his death all around the country- cheering, parties, gloating and rejoicing over the death of an enemy. Even passing around so-called photos of his dead body. So how is that any different than their celebrations when something bad happens to us? How did our reaction serve to show them a better way? It didn't.We can be satisfied that an enemy is finally gone, but more enemies will arise. We can be thankful that an evil madman has been removed, but rejoicing in the streets is another matter entirely.

Proverbs 24:17 is a word that people have obviously never been taught:

"Rejoice not when your enemy falls, and let not your heart be glad when he stumbles or is overthrown. Lest the Lord see it, and it be evil in His eyes and displease Him and He turn away His wrath from him [to expend it upon you, the worse offender.]" Amplified version

Here is the wider spiritual implication: He is dead, which means he had to stand before God for his actions. Evil men stand in a very slippery place. He didn't get his 70 virgins, he got judgment. Unless he repented in that last blast of a missile, he was lost for all of eternity.

We will never show the world what America is supposed to be if we continue to act and sound like everyone else. When we live in revenge, anger, and hatred, we become like our enemies.

Don't get me wrong- I'm a "hawk" - I believe in fighting, strength, weapons, and giving bullies a bloody nose. But I don't believe in dancing on graves. We must be careful not to be like them. We are supposed to be different. We are America.