Thursday, May 19, 2011

More shaking on the way

When our government started to push the "peace process" by demanding that Israel give up territory in the "Road Map", we got hit with Katrina. So what can we expect after today's demand that they go back to pre-1967 borders?

Here's the deal: there were many miracles during the 1967 war- all sorts of supernatural signs that God fought for Israel. Tanks in formation that didn't exist, soldiers that weren't real, etc.Very similar to the story of Gideon and his meager 300 men against the massive armies of the time. But today, our government literally thumbed its nose at God's intervention in that war to demand that Israel bag it.

Now I realize that in a blog I'm supposed to be mild and meek and sweet and nice. But put in simple (as nice as I can be) terms, today's move by our leader is a terrible mistake. As much as God loves the Arab people, there was something about the land that God decided should be given to the Jews. I'm not in charge, I can't comprehend it, but that's what He did. I want peace as much as the next guy- but I want a true peace, one that comes from the heart. And I want it for all the peoples of the Middle East. Unfortunately, that can only happen with a change of heart- because there is hatred that is deep on both sides. It will not be bridged by a "peace plan" or a "road map" or any agreement reached by man.

God is very real. People can believe what they want, but the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David and Paul is alive and well. And He doesn't like it when people ignore Him, or deliberately tell Him to cram it. Doing that guarantees a response-- and the avalanche rolls downhill.

I'm not so much mad as I am grieved for America. I love my country and our leadership seems bound and determined to throw us under wheels of the the Fiery Chariot. Good thinkin'.

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