Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Where are We Going?

Thanks to everyone who responded to my blog the other day. The consensus is that I should be me and not try to please a nebulous someone who doesn't think I should be so harsh. And by the way, some of the left and right wing bloggers out there are a thousand times meaner than me, just so you know.

This morning I listened to Bibi Netanyahu with tears trying to dribble down my face. It was the most clear speech I've heard from a head of state since Reagan told Gorbachev to "tear down that wall." Mr Netanyahu told President Abbas to "tear up your agreement with Hamas and make peace with the Jewish people." I pray that he listens.

It's never been about a Palestinian homeland, the Jews would allow that in a heartbeat. It's ALWAYS been about them not recognizing the Jewish homeland- the ground that knew the footsteps of Joshua, David, Deborah, Isaiah, and Jesus. It's been about the radical elements bringing hatred and the hope of destroying the Jews that has always stopped peace. He spoke truth and he did it with power and grace. Good job, Bibi!

But as to real peace and hatred,listen carefully: everything we say and speak has a living quality to it. If we live in any hatred whatsoever, that hatred spreads like cancer cells to the body. What "vibes" we give off affect how we are received, how we act, how we accomplish anything. If peace is to ever come to the Middle East, hatred must stop. Fake peace will not stand.

But that goes to Christians as well. If we are to be the ambassadors of the Living God who loves all mankind, then we must stop giving off the "vibes" of sour people. We are not about the rules and regs, because Jesus fulfilled all of them. We should be about mercy and peace, love, and forgiveness. I meet so many Christians who are so grim and religious that no one can relate to them. If you try to hold a conversation, they quote a Scripture at you. If you are in need of comfort, they speak some religious platitude at you and walk away. They use silly references about others but actual truth and deep conversations elude them. It's like a little kid skipping through her mom's flower bed, oblivious to the fact that she's smashing all of the flowers as she goes!

We can be like the people who don't truly want peace and just mouth the words to try and manipulate their way, or we can be the lovers of mankind that Jesus originally desired us to be. Let's do it from the heart. Let's not smash the flowers. Let's bring REAL peace to those around us!

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