Friday, July 26, 2013

Conversion or Pressure?

I was having coffee with a friend the other day and he made this statement: "What is the matter with the Republicans? They've had some sort of religious experience and converted to the Democrat side." And he is correct. Some of those we have staunchly believed in as Conservatives seem to bail on us and support everything from Amnesty to Gun Control. WTH? Are they just believing lies, or are they under some sort of pressure?

Being a suspicious sort, I don't believe in coincidence for any reason. I do believe that the Democrats have been using some underhanded tactics on our erstwhile "Conservative" legislators. Why do I think that? Because this administration has a track record of lies, distortion, and deception. They are power hungry, greedy, and have an agenda not favorable to America in any shape or form. Those kind of behaviors cannot be "compartmentalized" and will always manifest in evil ways.

This morning we hear that Chris Christie, Mr. Conservative Hero, rather obnoxiously told us that Sen. Rand Paul is "dangerous" because he is concerned about the need for probable cause in obtaining permission to spy on people. There is something under the surface here. If you stand up for liberty you are labelled as "dangerous," even by the very party that's supposed to be on the right? So he says the "libertarian streak" is dangerous? The Republican party has been complicit in the conversion experience.This is more than wrong, it will split our nation into so many factions that we'll be guaranteed a disaster in 2014.

Chris Christie is wrong. Obama and his "we know nothing" crowd are the dangerous ones. People who love the nation and stand up for the Constitution are not. I think Mr. Christie has had a conversion experience and needs to step aside. He is not worthy of our votes. Whether it is money-greed at the root of such sellouts, the desire to stay in power, or a simple extortion plot, we are in serious trouble. And we thought it couldn't get any worse? Stay tuned.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Forces of Chaos

Remember Agent Maxwell Smart and his fight against the evil organization known as "CHAOS?" As silly as he was, it wasn't far from the truth. He followed CHAOS agents around and through his bumbling always managed to come out on top. His bumbling around was funny. Ours is not.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:12

The forces that have been at work in the absolute evil that is occurring in America right now are NOT divided. Let me say that again: satan's house is NOT divided. He has a plan, and that plan is to get the righteous people so angry, so filled with rage that they do stupid things. He's hoping we'll fall for his scheme. He's excited about it.

Whether it's the tide of islamic extremism, the actions of MrO, or the race-baiting, the hatred of Black vs White and vice versa, he's got us where he wants us: at each other's throats.This is not a flesh and blood battle- but it does involve flesh and blood people. Our weapons must be spiritual FIRST, and natural second. "When a well-armed man protects his house, his goods are safe." Luke 11:21 Sounds like my favorite 2nd amendment Scripture. But the next verse reminds me that I can't trust in my own strength: "But whan a man stronger than he comes upon him, and overcomes him, he takes from him all his weapons that he trusted in, and divides his spoils." (vs 22).

The fact is, that no matter how much we prepare in the natural (and we should), we must not forget the Lord, or that the forces of CHAOS- or the demonic realm- are just as real as the gun in our hands.People are used by those forces to create fear, confusion and anger. The Lord admonished us to "Be angry and sin not." Tough right now for many of my friends- we're ALL angry. We're tired of evil governments, we're tired of race baiting, and b.s.spread by liberals who don't know jack about anything they so freely talk about. And they are wrong headed, their ideas create the opposite of what they spout. We're sick of it. But we must not let the sun set on our anger. DAILY we must let that frustration and anger be lifted to the Cross and peace must come flooding back.

It's the heart where this battle will be won. We cannot become like them, the bitter, nasty people we see and hear all day long. Let's not allow our hearts to be fundamentally transformed into the same ilk as our opponents. Let's not let the media bias or any other avenue used by the enemy destroy who we are as a people. We are Americans. We are patriots. This is our country. Let's remember how to fight the battles: pulling down the anger in our own minds and hearts, and THEN fighting in the natural.

"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty though God to the pulling down of strongholds;" 2 Corinthians 10:4

Thursday, July 11, 2013

If we don't hang together...

Benjamin Franklin once told his fellow colleagues that "We must indeed hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately." Problem is, in today's polarized world, we are literally being forced to turn on each other. We are so filled with anger that we can't seem to stand together on anything.

Whether it's the right or the left, there are those who literally demand that we believe certain things their way. Example from my life: I don't have to believe in the rampant killing of wolves just because they are wolves, but some on the right think I should. Liberals demand that I believe in never killing one. Wholesale slaughter of any wildlife is disgusting to me, whether it's a wolf or a wild horse. I believe in the right to hunt game animals for food. But trophy hunting is abhorrant to me. Killing for the sake of killing is a spirit of murder, no different than serial killers who kill for the thrill of watching the life drain out of someone. That's why I hate abortion- it's flat out murder. We must be balanced in what we believe in, or we will become that which we have worked so hard to stand against.

I will stand with even the most militant conservatives, many of whom are former military and know what they've sacrificed for freedom. I may not agree with everything they say, but I believe in them and will not turn against them because of intimidation from the left or the right. My Dad brought me up to walk against "peer pressure" and do what is right instead. I frankly don't care what people say to me, I will walk according to my beliefs. My view is decidedly Christian, so I believe in loving my enemy- but love does not mean condoning an action. Sometimes loves requires being held responsible. That goes for everything from a wayward kid who steals or uses drugs to a politician who tries to destroy our freedom. In this country, if we do not exercise our rights, we will lose them to people whose drive for power outweighs the rights that people like Ben Franklin fought so hard to give us. WE MUST hang together.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Too Young to Die

America is too young to die. Even the British (1497-1997) and Roman Empires lasted several centuries(27BC-467AD/610AD). As our founding fathers quarreled among themselves over the rights and promises needed for their fledgling nation, one common thread kept them on track: their background at the hands of a tyrannical government.

This nation was born in rebellion. Rebellion against dictators, against those who would crush the hopes and dreams of the people, against big government that refused the basic human rights of freedom, life, and the pursuit of happiness. It was born in rebellion against control by those who did not understand what it was like to be free. And as a nation of rebels at heart, we have a new fight ahead of us.

Is the sun rising over America, or is it setting? So many people have said we are dying. And as a conservative and a Christian I have to agree that it appears on the surface that we are being led down a path to destruction by those who do not care about our people or our values. But even in sunset there is hope for the sunrise. When any group of pro-abortionists can shout "Hail satan" at us in the midst of the singing of "Amazing Grace," it should be a huge red flag that the polarization of America has reached a fever pitch. It is time to act on our conscience. It is time to rise up and be counted. It is time to stand firm on what we know is the truth and not let intimidation by power hungry people shove us off the land. Because the sunrise is coming.

If we will push back. If we will refuse to be led down the path to oblivion, we will prevail against this tide of darkness. There are some sheep among us, but there are warriors too. We need those warriors now more than ever before in our history. The sunrise will come. And we will once again be free to shout "USA USA" in our schools. We will once again be free to worship the God of our forefathers. We will stand with our weapons, backing down the enemies of our nation. Yes, America is too young to die. Never give up. Let us all stand together, arm in arm, with weapons both natural and supernatural, believing in a bright future for tomorrow's America.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Thug Leadership

America is ruled by a gang of thugs. The media thugs, the White House thugs, the Congressional thugs (for them there are a handful of exceptions- a tiny handful of exceptions).

The media thugs are so far out of whack that they destroy people's lives simply at the thought of a story, even when that story is so old that is doesn't even qualify as a story anymore. Witness Paula Deen, for example. She's not perfect. She's a human being. So the media goes after her tooth and fang for being racist, while ignoring the seething hatred of others. As my friend Bobby Wilhelm says in his book Bobby Convict, School of Hard Knocks:"Even saying the term "Black race" is moronic, since we're all part of the same race - the human race."

We have a group of leadership thugs that care nothing about the citizens of the US- their "caring" is couched in lies, deceptions, selfish motives and personal agendas. They are not Americans at their core- obvious by their actions to date. Why there are ANY Americans who continue to follow them is mind-blowing. I think it's a cult mentality.

I watched a show last night on the ID network about cult murders. The common thread was that the people who both committed the murders and followed the leader were completely mesmerized. They couldn't think for themselves. Whatever he said sounded completely logical, even when he advocated murdering an entire family because they weren't "pure" in heart. AMERICA WAKE UP! Don't be a nation of sheep who blindly follow the thugs in leadership! Stand up and say NO! You can be for the poor, the downtrodden, the broken people of the country and still be against modern day pirates who want to destroy your lives. Don't let the thugs win!