Being a suspicious sort, I don't believe in coincidence for any reason. I do believe that the Democrats have been using some underhanded tactics on our erstwhile "Conservative" legislators. Why do I think that? Because this administration has a track record of lies, distortion, and deception. They are power hungry, greedy, and have an agenda not favorable to America in any shape or form. Those kind of behaviors cannot be "compartmentalized" and will always manifest in evil ways.
This morning we hear that Chris Christie, Mr. Conservative Hero, rather obnoxiously told us that Sen. Rand Paul is "dangerous" because he is concerned about the need for probable cause in obtaining permission to spy on people. There is something under the surface here. If you stand up for liberty you are labelled as "dangerous," even by the very party that's supposed to be on the right? So he says the "libertarian streak" is dangerous? The Republican party has been complicit in the conversion experience.This is more than wrong, it will split our nation into so many factions that we'll be guaranteed a disaster in 2014.
Chris Christie is wrong. Obama and his "we know nothing" crowd are the dangerous ones. People who love the nation and stand up for the Constitution are not. I think Mr. Christie has had a conversion experience and needs to step aside. He is not worthy of our votes. Whether it is money-greed at the root of such sellouts, the desire to stay in power, or a simple extortion plot, we are in serious trouble. And we thought it couldn't get any worse? Stay tuned.