Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Forces of Chaos

Remember Agent Maxwell Smart and his fight against the evil organization known as "CHAOS?" As silly as he was, it wasn't far from the truth. He followed CHAOS agents around and through his bumbling always managed to come out on top. His bumbling around was funny. Ours is not.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:12

The forces that have been at work in the absolute evil that is occurring in America right now are NOT divided. Let me say that again: satan's house is NOT divided. He has a plan, and that plan is to get the righteous people so angry, so filled with rage that they do stupid things. He's hoping we'll fall for his scheme. He's excited about it.

Whether it's the tide of islamic extremism, the actions of MrO, or the race-baiting, the hatred of Black vs White and vice versa, he's got us where he wants us: at each other's throats.This is not a flesh and blood battle- but it does involve flesh and blood people. Our weapons must be spiritual FIRST, and natural second. "When a well-armed man protects his house, his goods are safe." Luke 11:21 Sounds like my favorite 2nd amendment Scripture. But the next verse reminds me that I can't trust in my own strength: "But whan a man stronger than he comes upon him, and overcomes him, he takes from him all his weapons that he trusted in, and divides his spoils." (vs 22).

The fact is, that no matter how much we prepare in the natural (and we should), we must not forget the Lord, or that the forces of CHAOS- or the demonic realm- are just as real as the gun in our hands.People are used by those forces to create fear, confusion and anger. The Lord admonished us to "Be angry and sin not." Tough right now for many of my friends- we're ALL angry. We're tired of evil governments, we're tired of race baiting, and b.s.spread by liberals who don't know jack about anything they so freely talk about. And they are wrong headed, their ideas create the opposite of what they spout. We're sick of it. But we must not let the sun set on our anger. DAILY we must let that frustration and anger be lifted to the Cross and peace must come flooding back.

It's the heart where this battle will be won. We cannot become like them, the bitter, nasty people we see and hear all day long. Let's not allow our hearts to be fundamentally transformed into the same ilk as our opponents. Let's not let the media bias or any other avenue used by the enemy destroy who we are as a people. We are Americans. We are patriots. This is our country. Let's remember how to fight the battles: pulling down the anger in our own minds and hearts, and THEN fighting in the natural.

"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty though God to the pulling down of strongholds;" 2 Corinthians 10:4

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