Monday, July 1, 2013

Thug Leadership

America is ruled by a gang of thugs. The media thugs, the White House thugs, the Congressional thugs (for them there are a handful of exceptions- a tiny handful of exceptions).

The media thugs are so far out of whack that they destroy people's lives simply at the thought of a story, even when that story is so old that is doesn't even qualify as a story anymore. Witness Paula Deen, for example. She's not perfect. She's a human being. So the media goes after her tooth and fang for being racist, while ignoring the seething hatred of others. As my friend Bobby Wilhelm says in his book Bobby Convict, School of Hard Knocks:"Even saying the term "Black race" is moronic, since we're all part of the same race - the human race."

We have a group of leadership thugs that care nothing about the citizens of the US- their "caring" is couched in lies, deceptions, selfish motives and personal agendas. They are not Americans at their core- obvious by their actions to date. Why there are ANY Americans who continue to follow them is mind-blowing. I think it's a cult mentality.

I watched a show last night on the ID network about cult murders. The common thread was that the people who both committed the murders and followed the leader were completely mesmerized. They couldn't think for themselves. Whatever he said sounded completely logical, even when he advocated murdering an entire family because they weren't "pure" in heart. AMERICA WAKE UP! Don't be a nation of sheep who blindly follow the thugs in leadership! Stand up and say NO! You can be for the poor, the downtrodden, the broken people of the country and still be against modern day pirates who want to destroy your lives. Don't let the thugs win!

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